Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama the Dictator??

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
-President Elect B.O. July 2008

This really is not what I had in mind for my first post but this hot-off-the-press article from the A.P. practically stole the words right out of my mouth as I was just ranting similar concerns to my husband the other night.  As you read it just commit to storing these concerns on the back burner of your mind.  I'm not saying we are all going to have to pledge allegiance to the "O" next week but I imagine most Germans would have scoffed if their future had been foretold for them too.  If hubby has a gun cabinet you might want to call him over to the computer to read this one too.  Remember - Don't get complacent...STAY MAD!

Source Credit: I'm just a busy housewife with dirty dishes and lots of laundry so thanks to for bringing this article to my attention.


Anonymous said...

I thought you might enjoy this letter I sent a week ago to Obama's senate office:

"Your election to the office of President is proof positive that American voters are more than willing to be deceived about your beliefs, relationships and experience.

I don't imagine the mass scale deception you've pulled off so far will discontinue any time soon. In all likelihood it will increase as January approaches.

I just wanted you to know that not all of us have been tricked by your eloquent speeches and your slick glossing over of significant gaps in sound judgment. We do not need you to speak for us, or take care of us. We like our capitalist system- in which we thrive- just fine. We still believe that we can succeed (by our own standards) in this country without the mandated assitance of the government.

Don't underestimate me and others like me; we have voices, too, and until we are silenced completely we will continue to make our views heard. After all, our Constitution guarantees us that right.

I did not vote for you, I do not trust you, and I am not alone."

The Mad Housewife said...

Let me tell you what - don't think for a moment that your name didn't get entered into some computer program under the category: "People to Watch/Silence"
How odd - today I was considering writing my own letter of sorts. Just a way to officially register as someone who doesn't trust him with a spit ball, let alone the country.

The Mad Housewife said...

Let me tell you what - don't think for a moment that your name didn't get entered into some computer program under the category: "People to Watch/Silence"
How odd - today I was considering writing my own letter of sorts. Just a way to officially register as someone who doesn't trust him with a spit ball, let alone the country.

The Mad Housewife said...
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