Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I am making dinner so this is all I have time to say about yet another a(o)bomanation. 
Every day this administration shows us that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.  Obama knew nothing about this fly by?  Yeah, right.  Well, even if that is a load of crap he has clearly never heard of PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!

Photo from Foxnews.com

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Evil America...

Leave it to President B.O.  He's hitting another country bashing America again.  What did we do wrong this time?  Well, I guess it's our fault, all that violence in Mexico...

Do us all a favor.  When a co-worker or neighbor or relative starts spilling that dribble about America and her evils being spread around the world ask them to describe the world without America and see how far they get...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bee-atchs!!! CNN and Hollywood. Officially off the Deep End!

Yea, that's what I said.  

And pardon me, but I am over thirty so if my "texting" pop culture spelling is a little off well, I don't text and I hate Facebook too.  In fact, shoot me if I ever Twitter!

I digress.  This is beyond believable.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great, Just Great...

After making an ass out of us all week, after apologizing for us, after NOT bowing to the QUEEN, after BOWING to the Saudi Arabian King, after NOT visiting Normandy and after letting that manic in Korea move one step closer to blowing New York City off the planet...
After all that, I am wondering what President "Give Peace a Chance" is going to do about a U.S. shipped being attacked, not by Captain Jack Sparrow but by Somali (read: Muslim) Pirates?...
What an idiot.